

Below is description of common steps you need to perform to judge competition using J2 demo. You do not need to install any software or reconfigure you system. Just use the browser that your are viewing current page. We recommend to use following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox or Opera.
Tutorial would take you approximately 10 minutes to overview features of the system and to give it a try!
Each step has brief text description and a screencast with an detailed example.

Step 1: Creating account at J2 Online Scoring System

Open http://j2-demo.acontests.com page and fill in all the required fields. Create unique login/password combination so only you would be able to access your events. Without your password it would be impossible to access your data. All your information would be stored safe and confidential.

Step 2: Creating event and competitions list

Log in as an Administator, create an event, then create as many competitions as you need. Password for Administrator and Secretary is 'admin'.

Step 3: Creating rounds list for competition and registering participants

To work with competition log in as Secretary, using 'admin' as a password. Create as many stages (rounds) as you need. For each stage create required number of groups. Register people all the participants to each group. Autocomplete feature will make your registration much faster: after you registered person once it will automatically appear in the autocomplete options.

Step 4: Printing out competition start lists

Start list for competition could be printed directly from web browser or downloaded as an Excel file

Step 5: Judging group

To judge group, login as Secretary, for the required group click 'Judge' option. At the group judging page you will see start list for the group. For each excercise there is a cell where participant mark will appear. To judge a participant click on the cell, that corresponds to required excercise.

Step 6: View, print and download result protocols

To see round results, login as Secretary, for the required stage (round) click 'Results'/'Short results' option. In a new page result procotol of the stage would be opened. It is ready to be sent for printing or to be saved as an PDF file. Also excel files are available for download.

Step 7: Move best N participants to next round

When some round of competition is finished you need to select top N (8 usually, or could depend on custom rules) participants and move them to next round (finals/semifinals etc.). This process is automated by J2 scoring system: click 'Move best N' option for the finished stage, enter number of participants you want to move. N best participants from the current round would be moved to the next round, and would be placed in reverse order automatically.